Bar Fridges Australia specializes in all styles of glass door bar fridges for both commercial and domestic applications. Established in late 1996, supplying a range of quality water coolers we have progressed into glass display door refrigeration which is now our core focus.
We supply quality refrigeration direct to the end-consumer taking out the many hands that push prices up excessively. Our aim is to constantly improve our products to ensure that the quality is better than any other that money can buy whilst offering genuine value. We pride ourselves on service and honesty, and we now have over 150 service agents set up Australia wide to handle unforeseen problems, and to provide on-going maintenance for our commercial customers.

Our return policy is unique and we strive to never leave a customer unhappy.
Bar Fridges Australia are the market leaders in innovation and design. Many of the products are made to our own specific requirements that suit Australia's harsh climate and lifestyle.
Outdoor entertaining is a rapidly growing market and our products reflect this trend. The current range of Outdoor Alfresco commercial style fridges is fantastic and quality is at the highest levels. The GSP (Green Sense Plus) range is the most well performed economical range on the Australia market, in fact these are the most energy efficient and most well performed units within the toughest class in the world. We are the only company to obtain an IP rating for outdoor use. It took 3 years to get these models spot on as we worked alongside Staycold in the UK and one of the best manufacturers in China. The Brand Name Parts involved come from Brazil, Germany and Italy and the function of these units is brilliant. We are proud to have instigated production of these energy friendly units and to have seen this through to fruition.
New homes/kitchens/rumpus rooms/home bars/outdoor kitchens, renovations, alfresco areas, and commercial applications are all markets we supply confidently and efficiently. The range of our quality indoor wine and beer fridges is huge, with many people making a glass door fridge part of their new renovation.
Please browse through the website and contact us if you have any queries at all. Our head office is located in Ballarat, Victoria and we ship Australia wide on a daily basis with Direct Freight Courier Service. We have showrooms and warehouses in Perth and Brisbane to give you the opportunity to look, touch, feel, and hear before making a commitment to purchase. Most items are in stock in each State, and if we don't have one available in your local area then we will get one in for you quickly!
Promotional fridges are another area that we have expertise in with large “branding” contracts a large component of our business. Recent orders have been done for VB, Southern Comfort, Fujitsu, Kenworth, Carlton Draught, XXXX Gold, Bosch, Ranbuild, and Hitachi.Even if your numbers are small, we will gladly look after you and advise of your best options when considering placement of your name on a fridge to promote your own brand.
I hope you find what you are after, and if by chance you cannot, then please let me know. It may be on our agenda as a possible new product line. Sometimes just a few more enquiries are all that's needed to turn a concept into reality.
Our toll free number is 1300 376 849 (1300 FROTHY)
Cory Allan - Owner/Director
Bar Fridges Australia "Cooling The Beers Of A Nation"